Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension Tasks
Grade 2- The Wedding
- Going To The Hairdresser
- Chinese New Year
- A Visit To The Doctor
- A Visit To The Dentist
- A Visit To The Optometrist
- We Work At The Hospital
- My Mother's Operation
- The Animal Hospital
- Riding My Bike To School
- Let's Take A Walk In My Town
- The Street Market
- Wool Production
- The Wool Mill
- The Wheat Farm
- The Dairy Farm
- The Cheese Factory
- How To Make Pancakes
- Making Pizza
- The Tadpole's Secret
- The Frog Pond
- My Froggy Friend
- Beautiful Butterfly, Where Have You Been?
- How Does a Caterpillar Become a Butterfly?
- The Butterfly House
- I love Animals
- Australian Marsupials
- What do Animals Need to Survive?
- I Was Hungry!
- The Busy City
- Public Transport
- Exporting Barley
- At The Airport
- I Swim All Day
- Bill, My Clever Cockatoo
- My Friends
- Teddy's Operation
- Ants
- Pen Pals- Letter from Australia
- Pen Pals- Letter from Japan
- My Plane Trip to The Netherlands