Addition from the 'Rapid Recall Number Program'
Grade 5Subtraction
Subtraction Problem Solving
Grade 5Subtraction from the 'Rapid Recall Number Program'
Grade 5Multiplication
Grade 5- 11x tables
- 12x tables
- Using a multiplication table
- Multiplying by 10
- Multiplying by 100
- Multiplying by 10 or 100 (problem solving)
- Multiplying a single-digit number by multiples of 10
- Multiplying multiples of 10 (problem solving)
- 2x-10x tables
- 2x-10x tables (missing number)
- Multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number (written strategy)
- Multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number - mental strategy
- Multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number - problem solving
- Multiplying three numbers (under 10)
- Multiplying multiples of 10 (missing number)
- Multiplying 2 by 1 digit (missing number)
- Identifying multiples
- Factor trees
- Identifying factors
- Common factors
Multiplication - Problem Solving
Grade 5Multiplication from the 'Rapid Recall Number Program'
Grade 5Division
Grade 5- Division facts
- Introducing remainders
- Division with remainders
- Division facts (missing number)
- Dividing multiples of 10 by 1 digit
- Halving numbers
- Dividing a three-digit number by a one-digit number with no remainders (written strategy)
- Dividing a three-digit number by a one-digit number (written strategy)
- Dividing 3 digits by 1 digit (five scenarios)
- Dividing 3 digits by 1 digit
Division from the 'Rapid Recall Number Program'
Grade 5Numbers and Place Value
Rapid Recall Number Skills
Rapid Recall
Grade 5- Mixed times tables - 1x-10x (Skill 54)
- Times tables - missing number (Skill 55)
- Division facts (Skill 56)
- Multiplying by 10 (Skill 57)
- Multiplying by 100 (Skill 58)
- Halving numbers - up to 100 (Skill 59)
- Mental strategies for adding three numbers (Skill 60)
- Adding three numbers (Skill 61)
- Four digit addition (Skill 62)
- Four digit subtraction (Skill 63)
- Subtracting from 1000 (Skill 64)
ALL Rapid Recall 1-83
Grade 5- Mixed times tables - 1x-10x (Skill 54)
- Times tables - missing number (Skill 55)
- Division facts (Skill 56)
- Multiplying by 10 (Skill 57)
- Multiplying by 100 (Skill 58)
- Halving numbers - up to 100 (Skill 59)
- Mental strategies for adding three numbers (Skill 60)
- Adding three numbers (Skill 61)
- Four digit addition (Skill 62)
- Four digit subtraction (Skill 63)
- Subtracting from 1000 (Skill 64)
Quick 10 - Mathematics
Mentals 73 - 84
Grade 5Mentals 85 - 96
Grade 5Mentals 97 - 108
Grade 5Revision/Exam Prep (Maths)
Two Step Problem Solving
Grade 5- Converting 10ths and 100ths to decimals
- Comparing fractions and decimals (10ths 100ths)
- Decimals on a number line.
- Compare and order decimals
- Comparing decimals
- Read and write decimals in the thousandths
- Comparing decimals in the thousandths
- Place value (thousandths)
- Comparing decimals (thousandths)
- Comparing decimals II (thousandths)
- Place value - thousandths
- Matching fractions to decimals
- Matching fractions to decimals II
- Rounding decimals to whole numbers
- Decimals (extension)
Money and Financial Matters
Money and Financial Matters
Grade 5- Money (problem solving)
- At the Supermarket
- Saving money and budgeting
- Family expenditure (cost of living)
- Income
- Reading a menu
- Area and money
- How credit cards work
- Volume and money
- Mass and money
- Money (extension)
- Two step problem solving (money)
- Two step problem solving (money)
- Length and money - problem solving
Patterns and Algebra
Patterns and Algebra
Grade 5Data, Graphs and Statistics
Data, Graphs and Statistics
Grade 5Chance and probability
Chance and probability
Grade 5Converting between units (time, length, mass, volume)
Number skills needed for conversions
Grade 5- Multiplying whole numbers by 10
- Multiplying whole numbers by 100
- Multiplying decimal numbers by 10 (1 decimal place)
- Multiplying decimal numbers by 100 (1 decimal place)
- Multiplying decimal numbers by 10 (2 decimal places)
- Multiplying decimal numbers by 100 (2 decimal places)
- Multiplying decimal numbers by 10 (3 decimal places)
- Multiplying decimal numbers by 100 (3 decimal places)
- Dividing numbers by 10 (numbers > 10)
- Dividing numbers by 10 (numbers < 20)
- Dividing numbers by 100 (numbers > 100)
- Dividing numbers by 100 (numbers < 100)
Converting between units of length (mm <> cm)
Grade 5Length
Mass Conversions
Grade 5Volume
Grade 5Angles
Two-dimensional shapes
Two-dimensional shapes
Grade 5Three-dimensional objects
Three-dimensional objects
Grade 5- Three-dimensional objects from their nets
- Naming three-dimensional objects
- Partially Hidden three-dimensional Objects
- Constructing 3D objects from their nets
- Identifying the faces of 3D objects
- Nets of three dimensional objects
- Drawing three-dimensional objects
- Enlarging Objects (faces, edges, vertices)
- Three-dimensional objects (extension)
Location and Transformation
Mathematics Revision
Number skills printable assessment
Grade 5Outcomes based printable assessments
Grade 5Start and end of year printable assessments
Grade 5Online Assessments
Grade 5- Adding three digit numbers
- Subtracting three digit numbers
- Multiplying multiples of 10 by a single digit
- Multiplying two digits by one digit
- Division facts: by 2 - 10
- Division - three digits by one digit (no remainders)
- Division - three digits by one digit (with remainders)
- Combined number skills
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Money
- Patterns
- Data
- Chance
- Time
- Length
- Area
- Mass
- Volume
- Angles
- Two-dimensional shapes
- Three-dimensional objects
- Location and Transformation